Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Its been a crazy week! We are getting closer and closer to our 1000th book sale mark.  I can hardly believe it's only been two months since the book "Do You Love Me?" was published; so much has happened in so little time. Six conferences, and over twelve book signings.  I wake up every morning and thank God for his unfailing love and mercy and because it has pleased Him to entrust me with the responsibility of sharing the gift that is His son.

Speaking about gifts... When was the last time you gave the gift of friendship, kindness and charity to someone? That's the lesson I want to continue to instill on my boys; the holidays are about giving. Not just material things but more importantly the gift of yourself.

Every Wendsday until Christmas we will be giving of ourselves and our time to others. Tomorrow we will begin this holiday challenge. We will call it the "SHARE some COCOA" day. We will have some guest over our house and make it a point to serve them and make them feel warm & cozy. Lol I'm cheesy, I know :/

Here is how we have prepared so far

1. We have special glass mugs
2. Whipped topping
3. Marshmallows
4. Chocolate sprinkles

I'm sure my boys will think of other things .... I'll keep you posted & share pics ;)

Happy Holidays! Thx for reading ;)

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