Monday, July 1, 2013

short novel "I see white clouds" part 1

"Leave me alone! Don’t touch me, I don't belong to you! I was sent to earth to save the squirrels and you can't stop me!!!" The loud screams coming from the next room were deafening. I tried my best not to laugh but sometimes I couldn't help myself. "Come on, I thought to myself. If someone is going to send you to earth to save something, why in god's name would it be squirrels? Save something prettier and friendlier like dolphins! But nooo every week she prepared a different strategy on how to save a squirrel; she had at least 10 notebooks full.

One weekend when she was away on a family visitation leave, I snuck into her room and entertained myself with her notebooks. I've never laughed so hard in my life. My favorite had to be the one titled "PRIORITY MISSION "save the NYC central park squirrels." REASON: humans are feeding them hot dogs. STRATEGY: join forces with governor Gulianni and organize a city wide effort to build cages around central park where the squirrels could feel safe. RESOURCES: 24 hour surveillance by at least five top NYPD. On and on she went describing every detail of the mission down to street blocks. By the time I was finish reading I was rolling on the floor laughing. I thought “if Steven Spielberg got a hold of her brain, he'd make 10 movies a year! But wait! If you think she's weird, you should meet her parents. They go along with the whole thing just to avoid her tantrums. She made them buy whatever gear she needed for each and every one of her missions. One day she came back from her visitation weekend wearing head to toe army gear; that week she was saving the squirrels from Afghanistan.

I hate it here but I love it here. I hate it because I feel confined and useless, but I love it because it's the only place where I know I'm a little bit better off than everyone else. "Out there" that's what I call the world, I feel judged, lost, and alone. In here at least I have a squirrel hero to make me laugh.

Tuesday session #1

A proffecional woman sat on a wingtip chair; she asked me to lay on a chaise lounge. She proceeded to ask me questions about the first time I remember "drifting.". So, I started to tell her. 
... It was a day with a blazing hot sun, bright blue skies covered in playful big, white, fluffy clouds, of all shapes and sizes. Fields and fields of wheat standing proud and TALL; the higher the wheat the more treasures I found. Running through the wheat fields was my favorite pass time as a child. I would wake up in the morning, while still wearing my night gown, even before breakfast, I ran out to the field. My mom didn't understand why I enjoyed it so, but I wasn't discouraged; there were hidden treasures there that only I could see.

I enjoyed lying on the ground to stare up at the clouds. As I looked up, I would make up stories, every cloud told a different part of the story.  Depending on what cloud caught my attention first, that’s what the story would be about.  On one specific day it was a castle cloud. Off I went on my cloud adventure, sometimes it took days for me to finish a story, it depended on how many clouds were in the sky. The cloud castle was magnificent; it had three TALL towers, each one with its own tiny window. The entrance door was an arched gate from which you could look inside to a courtyard filled with flowers of every color. The next cloud that caught my eye was an enchanting royal carriage, this was my lucky day! I was on a "royal" roll.

The fort, you ask? Oh I started to build it about two months after “the thing”.  It was a strange day; I remember that  without any warning a dark cloud began to move in, slowly creeping in, changing the shape of the other clouds. Everything it touched became distorted; until you could no longer tell its shape and it became unrecognizable. Within seconds all the white clouds were covered by dark storm cloud. I could no longer see the white clouds, it became as dark as night. The castle lost one tower, I cried as I watched, then the next tower and the third were destroyed. The carriage was ruined as well. Rain and thunder took over the fields..... From the distance I could hear a sharp whistle getting closer and louder. I was afraid to look, terrified at what I'd see, but I knew I must. Cautiously I got up from the ground, looked to my right but there was nothing. Looked to my left and there it was, coming towards me. I didn't know whether I should run or hide, both appeared to be useless. I stood paralyzed with fear; it was much bigger than I, much stronger.

End session

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