Monday, May 20, 2013

Whats your purpose?

What’s your purpose? Have you ever woken up in the morning feeling an indescribable emptiness?  It almost feels as though you have just stepped into the twilight zone.  Your world feels like a place where everything just goes around and around in circles.   Here is spring… again.  Summer…. again.  Fall… again. Winter….again; then it starts all over again the next year.  Nothing seems new and exciting; you are stuck in a merry go around. This happened to me a few years ago; I hated to wake up on Mondays.  It felt like Groundhog Day!  Get up, get the kids ready for school, get ready for work, pick up the kids, make dinner and put the kids to bed.  This feeling went on for a year or two; I didn't know what was happening to me.   

I know it sounds cliché but something did happened that started to change how I felt. At the beginning of the year I volunteered my home to hold meetings for the one year “Reinas” course.  Once a month about 13 women would gather in my house; we would share experiences and learn from the curriculum.  Slowly but surely, I started to feel differently.  I began to look forward to these meetings and preparing for them, was part of being able to actively participate. Little did I know that the content was changing my life.   
We learned about our personalities, our identities, and our strengths.  We identified our dreams by making vision boards.  We prayed for one another’s petitions, shared concerns, encouraged one another and cried with one another.  By the end of the course I realized what I had been missing for the past two years or so.  It was purpose, along with spiritual corporate fellowship.  There is great power in the unity of people that want to grow and make a positive influence during their lifetime. 

My mindset began to expand beyond my circle. I opened my heart to receive from others as well as to give.  I dared to trust and began to be trusted in return.   The bible says that without vision (purpose) the people perish.  Nothing could be more true, to live without knowing what your passion is, it’s like going around and around in circles.   We are all born with a spiritual whole inside our hearts that can only be filled with purpose or passion.  It cannot be filled with things, money, or fame.  It is not until we find our purpose through God that we feel fulfilled.   

Love you FGAL readers! thanks for reading :)

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