Friday, May 31, 2013

Things we CANNOT demand

Things we can’t demand from others; love, affection, respect and support.  Something I read last night, made me think about this.  It bothered me deeply how sometimes we can get into a pity party and stay there all of our lives.  I've been known to dwell in there sometimes but I quickly shake myself off and “grow up!”  Yes we get dealt with hands that we feel we don’t deserve, and yes no one will ever understand what we are going through unless they go through it themselves.  But that’s life, and even the bible warns us that in this world we will suffer many afflictions.  Now to expect and demand certain things from people when we are going through trials and tribulations, it’s just wrong; and what’s even worse is to judge the people when we don’t get them. 

This is my opinion about things that we cannot demand;

1.       Love is something that grows within us like a flower.  In order to bloom it needs to be nurtured, cared for, and given enough attention to be able to blossom.  Here is the problem, when we don’t want to take the time to do the “nurturing” part, we most certainly cannot demand to get it when we need it.  So the next time you feel like no one loves you, ask yourself; have I nurtured my relationships enough for them to love me the way I want to be loved?

2.       Affection is something that comes as a result of love.  If we never sowed love onto others, they will have a difficult time showing us affection.  If our relationships with others have been based solely on using them, we can’t be surprised when no one is around to give us a hug when we need it.  So the next time we need a hug and look around only to realize that there is no one there to give it to us, let’s ask ourselves; Have my friendships been solely based on using people to my benefit and dropping them when they no longer serve me a purpose?

3.       Respect cannot be demanded, it must be earned.  This has to be the most difficult thing to earn and the easiest thing to lose.  Some of us want to demand respect from others when our actions and the way we live our lives does not deserve respect.  We walk around lying, pretending to care, doing “whatever” it takes to get ahead, and thinking of ourselves more highly than we should.  This causes others to avoid us, disrespect us and distrust us.  So the next time you feel as if you are not getting the respect you deserve, ask yourself; do I honestly respect other people’s time, words, thoughts, feelings and value?

4.       Support is received when given.  If we have never “genuinely” been there for the sick, the needy and the lonely, we can’t expect for someone to be there for us when we need support. Many things in our lives are based on the principle of sowing and reaping, but in my opinion this one is probably the one that I’ve seen come to pass the most.  Sadly the people that I have seen demanding it have never lifted a hand to help anyone else.  On the contrary, in situations where their support was needed if they showed up at all; they would somehow use it to their benefit.  Whether I’d be to promote something they were selling, or simply to talk about themselves.  So when you feel like you are going through something by yourself and the people who have been there for you are there no more.  Ask yourself this; have I been so ungrateful in the past that the people that “know” me know better than to support me and get burned again?

How do we know if we are one of these people? this is the ultimate test; look around you, how many of the people that TRULY and GENUINELY once supported you, loved you, respected you, and saw you and yours through some really difficult times are still around? If your answer is not many. Then you are one of these people.  Stop demanding and start sowing. 

How have I come to these conclusions, because my family and I have been victims of many people like this.  They have used our resources, love, affection, respect and support until they got back on their feet.  As soon as they were back on their feet, not only did we never hear from them again but they have had the audacity to talk about us.  So yes, I have personally lived through some of the above, therefore this post is probably coming from a place in my heart that still needs healing. LOL but in hindsight, if we had to do it all over again, we would because it’s what God calls us to do.  Will we do it again with some of the same people? NO. LOL  

I never said I was perfect, I only promised that in this blog you will get me nothing but me so help me God.  :0) love you!

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