Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Come visit my house! No. 2 of our Spring challenge

Birds flying high, You know how I feel, Sun in the sky,You know how I feel, Breeze driftin' on by,You know how I feel, It's a new dawn, It's a new day, It's a new life, For me, And I'm feeling good, I'm feeling good... Michael Buble.... love this song :) If you are able to, open the link on a separate tab and listen to this song while reading this post ;) That's what I'm doing as I'm writing it.  lol 


Awesome feedback from yesterday's post, many people are planting away, love it!!! 
Now, to put you in the mood for today's spring challenge, I would like you to try the following while reading the post: think about a sunny day, sitting under a tree by a stream, eyes closed taking in all of your surroundings, birds chirping, water flowing, tree leaves dancing, breathe in all that is pure, fresh, and good. Love your life... it's the only one you'll ever have

For the second thing of “things to try for spring” I would like to invite you to my house.  Let's bring a little bit of spring inside.  I have never been crafty; I just don’t like to mess with flowers, hot glue guns, and décor type of things.  However, when I set my mind to it I get something done; nothing as special as someone that loves to do it, but it’s decent.  I like to change up some things around the house every season.  

Since the formal dining room table is rarely used, it’s what I usually decorate to display the season or holiday theme.  I keep the same things in a bin and just put them up every year.  This year since I wanted to do something new, I changed up my spring décor.  I got some green plates mats, spring colored plates, a tiny flower pot with greenery and three flowers for each pot.  Easy enough, but a little extreme; my table looks like a garden moved in. LOL

In my bedroom, I dressed my bed with a pastel colored, flower print comforter and placed a glass vase with daisies (my fav flower) on my bed side tables.  I like it because although its a small detail, it brings a little bit of spring inside.  If it were up to me, i'd hang ivy leaves on the ceiling, honey combs, butterflies and flowers all around my room.  But surely my husband would not step foot in this room all spring long. lol  

In my kitchen I simply changed up the plates mats for spring colored ones and kitchen towels to match.  And of course, this spring I have the herbs showing outside my window so that surely adds a special touch to the "spring" feel. ;) I leave all of these things up throughout the summer,  I don't change it up until the fall.  

On my front door I keep wreath holders, every season or holiday I put on a relevant wreath type of décor.  This was a onetime investment for me, I rotate the same things over and over every year.  I have Christmas wreaths, Hearts made of silk roses for valentine's day, Fall wreaths with leaves and scarecrows, and these for spring and summer. 

These plaques I leave on the left side of the front door.  I love to see the guest, pizza delivery boys and UPS workers smile when they read them.  I make them wait a little bit on purpose so they can read them. LOL  
I will end by encouraging you today, to choose, joy, love, peace and happiness.... whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Phil 4:8


  1. Oh my God, where do I begin ? LOL! It's too much for me ! I don't know what to think ! I'm into the point of giving things away so I don't have to worry about cleaning and buying things. Ha. Ha, ha...
    Is it okay if I just sit under a tree on a sunny day and enjoy reading ? Ha, ha, ha, Simple life for me ! Or can you come with me and decorate my house ? I love you ! Dalmita

  2. hahaha.... oh nooo, if you dont have little ones at home, don't even think about it! lol When my boys are grown i'm planning on sitting under that tree for the rest of my life. No showers, make up, cleaning or cooking!!hahaha

  3. Love it...come over....sis

  4. Your house always looks amazing!!! :)
