Tuesday, August 19, 2014

My very own Hawaiian Experience Part 3

I do this every time I'm going to travel; I don't even tell my husband I do it. I look up the five "must do things" everywhere we travel. I don't always get to see or do all of them, but in this trip I did.  woo hoo! 
                                                     Next on that list was a Sunrise tour!! 
I was picked up at the resort at 2:30 am at which time I TRULY second guessed myself to whether or not this would be worth leaving my warm cozy bed for. It took about one hour to drive up the volcano. When we reached the top and stepped out of the tour bus I was brutally assaulted by the coldest air and aggressive wind known to mankind. I'm not kidding, the weather ranges from 20 to 40 degrees. But I'd be willing to bet the morning I went, it was 20 below zero. hahaha
The lunar landscape of Haleakala Crater is the world’s largest
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dormant volcano. It rises over 10,000 feet from sea level. You literally find yourself completely surrounded by clouds. When the sun begins to exhibit its glare, a native begins to sing. That was an experience in itself.

But nothing could have prepared me for the splendor of the
rising of the sun above the clouds. I felt as if I was flying high, for one minute everything seemed insignificant compared to the magnificence of this occurrence. The sky became slowly illuminated with a soft gentle glow above the clouds. A few rays of sunshine sneaked passed the clouds, then a few more until half of the sun was visible. At that point my eyes were tearing up. Only an all mighty God could create something so magical. Within moments the sun rose showing off its complete resplendence. It was as if it was saying "you are alive! enjoy life to the fullest" oh yeah and ALOHA! l

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