When a new year begins many of us see it as a great opportunity to think of things we would like to do differently. I, for one have quite a few things I need to improve; time management for instance! but that's for another post. lol I'd like to begin this year writing about a topic that has become of great interest throughout my blogging. No manner what I write about, it usually somehow ends up relating to one relationship or another. Some of the most popular comments I have received are "you and Oscar are so lucky to have each other" or "you two are perfect for one another" or "I wish my marriage was like yours".... Well, guess what? anyone can have a great marriage as long as you can answer this.... how hard are you willing to work for it?
Although I will be specifically writing about marriage, most of these same principles can be applied to ALL and any relationship.
Oscar & Millie Gonzalez |
YESSS you heard me right, together 24/7 for 20 years hahaha. Consider this, couples that work outside the home if they stay married for 20 years, they have spent almost 35,000 hours APART. Sooooo I think that our 20 should be considered more like 40 years LOL
I don't like to talk about our marriage much because I know it might sound unrealistic to some. But I feel a sense of urgency when it comes to this topic. There is an obvious lack of relationship tools available to help marriages stay together. Sadly the cycle continues with our kids because no one is providing good role models for their generation. I pray for strong marriages that will raise goodly woman for my boys to marry!! hahaha You know what I mean... girls with values, morals and respect. In order for our kids to have strong marriages we must model for them a good example to follow. So as insignificant as my influence may be, it makes me feel better to give my two cents on the topic.
I know this might seem a bit cheesy but I came up with an acronym to help us remember the basics needed to have good relationships with ANYONE but in this case, with our spouse.
To have a marriage that R.O.C.K.S. we must be:
R- Respectful
O- Optimistic
C- Creative
K- Kind
S- Sincere
Don't laugh but I interviewed my husband in order to get his point of view about this topic... LOL I want to make sure I have a balanced post. In my next post I will be sharing some of my own experiences and lessons.... stay tuned!
Thanks for reading :)
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