If I could name or label 2013, I would have to say, "the year of metamorphosis."
The process of transformation from an immature form to an adult form in two or more distinct stages.
A change of the form or nature of a thing or person into a completely different one, by natural or supernatural means.
could. To push my boundaries as a friend, mother, woman and wife. However, by declaring this resolution I never could have imagined in a million years the whirlwind of events that were going to take place, most of which were NOT on my to do list. I would like to name a few for the purpose of motivating some of my readers to expand their horizons for 2014 and dare to think bigger.
1. Started teaching a one year course, once a month, mentoring young girls to become women of God.
2. Began my FGAL blog.
3. Wrote my first published novel.
4. Traveled to various states giving conferences and book signings.
If you knew me before this year, you would understand why I called this year "metamorphosis." I had never ventured into any of these arenas before. I pushed passed my limits, challenged myself and expanded my boundaries.
I was dumbfounded by the result of simply yielding my will over to God's and allowing him to take total and complete control of my life. There have been many testimonies of people that have been blessed. Some have gotten the courage they needed to seek help for their depression, others have opened their hearts for love again. I have been told of couples that have decided to work on their marriage instead of getting a divorce. Women and men have been able to begin their journey towards forgiveness. Parents have made a commitment to become better parents. Husbands and wives have been able to seek healing to deepen their relationships. Others have opened their hearts to us with deep hurts that they had never shared with anyone; therefore beginning their journey to wholeness. If you have been a reader since I started the blog, I want to thank you for your support. Your comments, encouraging words have played a huge part of this journey.
The greatest lesson I have learned this year has been that when you put your pain, your past, your failures, your defeats, and your sadness in the hands of God, He will do wonders with it. The true miracle in all of this is that while He is using us to help others, He is doing an even greater work inside of us.
Dream big for 2014! Surrender to God and allow Him to take complete control of your life, then sit back and watch the amazing things He will do with it for His glory and honor.
Thank you for reading!
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