Monday, October 21, 2013

What are you passionate about?

A few years ago while sitting at a woman's gathering these questions came up; where we wished we were at this point in our lives? and where do we want to go from here? As I heard the different answers I realized I couldn't relate to any of them.  The answers ranged from degrees, traveling the world,  excelling in a profession, making more money, speaking to masses, and supplying the needs of the poor.  "OMG" I thought, "I don't want my turn to come around.... my answer isn't nearly as ambitions and sophisticated as everyone else's  " I searched for something, anything, that would sound just as good... but I didn't come up with a single thing.  So by the time my turn came around I wanted to take the 5th lol.  But if you know me, that's close to impossible. LOL

I opened my mouth and said "I am where I want to be, I am content here and I have been content in every stage of my life." Every stage has been an incredible experience that I wouldn't trade for anything in the world. When I chose to stay home to raise my boys, I was passionate about it.  I never felt like they were a "pause" in my life.  I had a vision for myself as a mother and I gave it all I had.  Not that I'm done, but I was there in the crucial moments of my boys lives. Teaching them to crawl, helping them take their first step, watching cartoons while snuggling in bed with them. Teaching them manners, respect, compassion, being intentional in my christian walk so that they would have someone to model after.  I took this job very seriously.  And to this day I realize that I will never have a more important job in my entire life than that one.

Now that my children do not need me (physically) as much, I have found other passions; like my blog and writing.  I have a vision for it and am giving it all that I have.  I've heard from people from all around the world as to how blessed they have been and how their lives have been impacted.  When our heart is in the right place and our intentions are pure, doors open to lead us in the path that we need to go and new passions arise.

Lets be passionate about what we are doing now, lets live intentionally and we will find passion in every stage.

1 comment:

  1. I was very pleased to meet you at FCC this morning. I've been reading your book off and on all day! I love blogging too! I'll be adding your blog to my read list. My blog is
