Monday morning I woke up crying, I'd had a dream that a dear friend passed away. In the dream we were at a funeral home. I could see her in the casket, and me laying on her chest crying and begging her to come back to life. The dream impressed me so much that I picked up the phone to call her, I wanted to hear her voice. She didn't pick up. So I took the time to send her an extensive text telling her how much I appreciate her friendship and how much I loved her.
On Wednesday I sent my boys off to school, had my coffee, read my devotion and started getting ready for my day. Mid-morning that same friend called me, she thanked me for the text and then said she had bad news; my heart dropped. She told me that my dad Saul had a massive heart attack. She continued to talk but I didn't hear anything after that.
My mind went to the two previous heart attacks he had suffered in the past 10 years or so. He'd had quadruple bypass surgery and a pacemaker put in. Only ten percent of his heart was functioning, the rest of it was severely damaged. All of this was true before this massive heart attack. So you can imagine how I was feeling.
I immediately fell on my face and began weeping before the Lord. I begged him to allow me to see him alive one last time. To please wait for me to say goodbye. I booked the first flight to Cleveland, Ohio. Arrived at 1am and went directly to the hospital. As soon as I saw him, I was taken back by all of the machines and tubes he had attached. I laid my head on his chest and asked him not to leave me. (I remembered my dream) When he heard my voice he opened his eyes and started to cry.
That night, we were told he might not make it to see the next day. He had water in his lungs, developed pneumonia, 104 fever, the heart was in grave condition. A breathing tube was inserted, a temporary balloon was placed with a catheter hoping to allow the passage of blood to the heart. He was treated with Electrical cardioversion (electric shock) three times. This was looking more and more impossible with every minute. We were not given any hope.
His night was awful, the balloon didn't seem to be assisting him sufficiently. His fever was still high. His heart was accelerated. I sat by his bed and held his hand. The doctor said if he didn't remain stable, they would have to send him to a different hospital to wait for a heart donor.
I stayed sitting by his side talking to him. I showed him my book and said "Dad, I brought you this book, if you get better, I'll sign it for you. LOL he gave me a faint smile. He couldn't see me but the entire time I was by his side I could not stop the tears. I missed hearing his voice and his laughter. The pain I felt was unbearable
... this story has an amazing ending. I will continue tomorrow. Thanks for you prayers!!
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