The campsite was a pleasant surprise; the facilities were adorable. The camp was built to resemble a small western town. The grounds were beautifully kept with bridges, a river, mountains, shady trees, and tons of thoughtful details that add to the western feel. I wish I'd brought a western hat! LOL
As many of you know, I have never given as much as a class in Spanish, much less a conference! lol I have to admit I was quite nervous. I feel a lot more comfortable expressing myself in English. So when the time
came for me to give my conference I needed God to show up! LOL There were over 65 women; ranging from ages 12 to 35, married and non married.I knew it would be a challenge to bring a theme in which all could relate and be edified. Keeping that in mind, I chose to give the conference in two parts.... my adolescent years and my most recent years. Thankfully I was able to keep every one's attention throughout. LOL
The title for the conference was "Sanando el alma" (Healing the soul) I must say.... God showed up in a mighty way. I was able to speak fluent Spanish for over 45 minutes without stopping to ask for help with a word. LOL
I saw many tears, laughter, joy, deliverance, peace, and love come from each one of the women. I brought them with me in my heart and they will always be in my prayers.
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