Friday, July 19, 2013

Third & last of the "make summer memories" challenge

I heard you loud and clear!! It's crazy HOT outside to do outdoors activities.  So.... here is something that we have done many, many times at our house.  A Movie Night unlike anything you've ever seen before! LOL We have also camped inside the house by making a tent with sheets, so that's another idea.

Now, here is how we do our movie nights.

  1. Rearrange the living room furniture so that it is close to the TV. (mine has to be moved, yours might not)
  2. Cover your sofas with sheets (there is a reason for this) haha
  3. Set a small table in the center making sure its within everyone's reach
  4. Get pop-corn, candy, and snacks and place them on the table. (this is why you cover the sofas) lol
  5. Choose at least two movies that everyone agrees on.
  6. I have "movie pop-corn containers that I bought at the dollar store that are super fun to use. I like to make sure that everyone has their very own to avoid madness. LOL
  7. I use a cup with a cover and a straw for everyone. (we use the ones we keep from olive garden) haha
  8. Put on your pajamas.
  9. When everything is set up, turn off the lights. Its movie time!!
  10. These are the dollar store pop-corn containers. :)
  11. If you are as crazy as we are, movie night usually ends in a pillow fight. lol

I think the kids enjoy the planning and the putting together of the movie night, just as much as they enjoy watching the movie.  Oh yeah, by the way, we don't straighten out the living room until the next day. :/ lol

Have a great weekend! love my FGAL readers xoxo

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