Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Fathers, MAN UP!

Today I would like to raise awareness on the importance of having a father in the home.  The statistics below blew my mind!  Keep in mind that I am well aware of the exceptions, I myself am an exception.  However we can’t ignore what’s happening around us.  If you are a father, these are some reasons why you should stay involved in your child’s life.  If you are a single mother, here are some reasons why you should encourage a healthy relationship between your children and their father (a mentally stable father).  If you are a single mother not able to have your children establish a relationship with a healthy dad, keep them around a positive influential male figure.  I heard a psychologist say that studies show any male figure such as uncle, grandfather, step-dad, that would serve as a positive influence on a child can reduce the statistics dramatically.  

A total of 15 million children – are being raised without a father. [US Department of Census]

Father-deprived children are:

72% of all teenage murderers.
60% of rapists.
70% of kids incarcerated.
twice as likely to quit school.
11 times more likely to be violent.
3 of 4 teen suicides.
80% of the adolescents in psychiatric hospitals.
90% of runaways
71% of pregnant teenagers

Sadly there are many psychological issues that do not allow fathers to provide the kind of mental, physical and emotional stability that their children need.  Do not allow excuses to keep you from performing the most important task that you will have in your lifetime.  I am here to tell you that EVERYONE is lacking in one thing or another; get help and get well.   You need to mature and accept that the moment you became a father, it’s no longer about you.  If when you wake up in the morning your first thought is not “how can I make my children’s life better, love & protect them more” your priorities are not where they should be.  You have an enormous responsibility, your role in your child’s life is not only important but it’s crucial for the overall well being of their future. 

I challenge you today to make a commitment this father’s day to be better, give more of your time, love, and attention to your children.  A child that receives positive reinforcement is more willing to be obedient when disciplined.  Being a father is not only about being a provider and a disciplinarian; he is the rock of the home, the stable, strong, safe place to land, when your children fail.  Do not allow immaturity, distractions, busyness, to keep you from doing the very best you can in the most important job you have.  

Man up, this is one job you cannot put off, because sooner than later, it ends.

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