Tuesday, May 14, 2013

A woman’s emotional role in the home

A woman’s state plays a huge part in the emotional feel of the home.   It’s important to understand just how much we really affect the ambiance, in order to be able to change negative energy around.   There is no way that we can wake up every morning singing and smiling at the world.  The truth is life happens and it happens often.  Knowing this can free us to choose how we feel every day, only because it allows us the freedom to accept that life isn't perfect.  Let me share something that happened to me at work just the other day.  I was sent by my agency to a cancer hospital to interpret for three different patients.   Usually when I’m sent to interpret for cancer patients I try to put myself in a strong state of mind.  It’s not easy to be the messenger of bad news; I have to be prayed up to stay strong for the patient.  I interpreted for the first patient then went on to my next patient.  By the time the third patient came around I was exhausted, not so much physically but emotionally.  It was a man in his mid sixties, not very friendly, actually quite rude.  I usually don’t take any of these things personally because I can only imagine the turmoil these patients are going through as they fight for their lives.  

I sat next to him and listened to him go on and on about his affluent family, his extensive education, his endless achievements, and his life of success.  In most cases I would join in congratulating the person for all of this but in this case, it felt a as if he was being a bit condescending.   I merely listened; I've learned that in times like this the best thing I can do is stay quiet, most of the time the person will give themselves away by their own words.  Sure enough, it didn’t take long before I knew what was in his heart.  He tells me how when he moved to Florida it was the best place to live, he loved it, and it was peaceful and quiet.  He continued by saying “that was until those #@*%^$ puertoricans started moving here. Hahaha omg, he is a racist! How sad that underneath all of his splendor, prestige, education and status he was an ignorant man.  “They are all uneducated, gang banging, welfare folks; that’s when this place started going downhill.”   I took a deep breath; mind you my tolerance level at this point is close to zero.  Lol I looked at him and said “you know something Mr._______ I can tell you one good thing that came out of those puertoricans moving to Florida, me. Thanks to that, I’m able to be here helping you today.” He looked at me as if he had seen a ghost.  I know I should have stayed quiet but like I said it had been a long day! hahaha  

Ok, let me get to the point that I’m trying to get at.  When I got home, I carried that negative energy with me.  I came home in a bad mood, on edge, bothered and tired! The kids speaking loudly bothered me, their bouncing balls around the house got on my nerves, and my husband’s whistling sent me over the edge.  These are things they do every day, but because I was over my boiling point, they drove me crazy.  I started to snap at them, told the boys to go outside, asked my husband if he would mind stopping the whistling.  Before I knew it I had come and completely changed the atmosphere of my home. Within minutes I could feel the energy shift, the kids looked bothered, hubby was wondering what he had  done wrong.   

We all have those days, but we have to be intentional enough to not make people around us uncomfortable just because we allowed someone to ruin our day.  We gave someone enough power to take control of our emotions and feelings to the point that now; our family is reaping the consequences.  This is not fair.  A woman has tremendous power over the atmosphere of her home; the saying “when mom is happy everyone is happy” could not be truer.   When my husband is upset, I know how to turn his frown upside down. Lol When my kids are upset, I know how to make them laugh and help them through it.  But when I’m upset, I have to find a way to release; that’s where BFFs come in.  If I would've text my bff after that 12 hour work day and let it all out, like I usually do when I have bad days, I would've come home with a different attitude.  Women process differently, we need to let it out, get it off our chests. 

This should be a daily conscious decision on our part; we can be the bearers of joy or the cause of sorrow, the bearers of peace of the cause of chaos, the bearers of happiness or the cause of sadness.  It’s a blessing and it’s a curse to have that much influence over our home.  A curse because if we don’t use it for good, we can do much harm and a blessing because if we use it for good, we can do much good.  The bible could not have said it more clearly: a wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down. Proverbs 14:1


  1. Thanks for a much needed word. I was so crouchy the other day! Ha, ha, ha ... It is a great reminder ! Thanks! Love you blog ! Dalmita

    1. Well I'm glad I'm not the only one that gets grumpy lol

  2. I love this Millie. It is so true. I am guilty of doing this to my family sometimes. This weekend I had a situation happen, and I told myself, that I will not allow anything from the outside effect what goes on inside our home. This was a great read and very wise! Thank you!

  3. Wow!!.... I love it!!.... Thanks for that!...
